New Vision for Today’s Church

Focus Scripture: Proverbs 29:18

The fundamental work of the church is saving souls and promoting healing and wholeness among God’s people. One vision for the work involves passing along the gospel message from one generation to the next. Keep in mind that this vision is crucial because “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Making sure the vision remains in sight is no passive activity. The church has to accomplish its work in a mission field where the truth is often obscured. The church’s message has to encourage weary people to remain vigilant. The church must make the vision plain, as it calls out injustice and challenges structures of oppression in our society at large.

In spite of its many challenges, the church must be true to facilitating transformation in our individual and communal lives. The church must be willing to work side by side with wounded people of faith to promote ongoing critical reflection, cultivate well being, and nurture resilience.  The church must help the people receive their sight and hold onto their hope.


God of order, help us to unite for the well being of our communities and our children.  Remove the blinders from our eyes so that our vision becomes clear.

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