Focus Scripture: Psalm 116:6
Throughout my studies, I have had opportunities to reflect on how people come to believe what they believe. I conclude that the way people view God depends in large part on the issues they bring to the table and the lenses they use to reflect on what they see. Sometimes, the thing that separates the groups is their answer to this question: How big is their God?
People in one of those groups do not place limits or boundaries on God. They consider themselves to be made in the image of God and strive to please God in everything they say and do. For them God is infinite, almighty, and all knowing. Not only that; God is so loving that he sent Jesus to redeem them from sin and has poured out his love into their hearts through his Holy Spirit.
People in this reflective group are those who believe that God exists and rewards those who diligently seek Him. In other words, this group of people has extraordinary faith. Accounts of such belief can be found throughout the biblical text. Some people might refer to such faith as childlike. And that is just fine, for, with childlike awe, they can place their trust in a God who is big enough to see what they cannot see and lead them in the direction for their good and God’s glory.
Omnipresent God, thank you for being big enough to supply all my needs. Amen.