This book is about domestic violence. It attempts to address theological issues that occur at the intersection of race, class, and gender in America using the unique insights of a “wounded Black woman of faith.” The book examines seven theological concerns: God, Sin, Humanity, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Black Church, and Ministry. When all is said and done, How Big Is Her God? is a story of redemption. Through the analysis the author articulates a theology of hope for women who have been harmed through domestic abuse.
God of our Fathers: Genesis: Contemporary Perspectives on Bible Study
An Adult Bible Study
This course offers an enhanced overview of the book of Genesis. God of Our Fathers: Genesis is intended to serve the needs of Christian adults seeking to apply scripture in contemporary contexts. Learners have opportunities to be involved in problem solving, critical thinking, and heightening consciousness about the essential principles in the Bible. By the time they leave the course, learners have under their belts a set of skills they did not possess when they entered the course. In other words, they will not leave the course in the same way they came.
Reflective Renewal: Grace at the Crossroads
Grace at the Crossroads
Reflective Renewal: Grace at the Crossroads provides a collection of theological reflections about life and well-being in a challenging world. The major premise of the book is that as we learn to reflect theologically, we become acutely aware of God's grace working at the crossroads of life. Therefore we have hope and peace. When everything else is said and done, the way we handle adversity is all a matter of faith. As with most other things in life, there is no one right way to reflect theologically on an issue or concern. The Reflective Renewal framework for devotional engagement provides a contemporary context, and then critically connects the message of faith to issues or concerns in contemporary life.