Micah Chapters 1-3 Questions
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- Micah 1:1-7 sets the stage for what is to come. What important details do these verses provide?
- Why does the Lord send accusations against Israel and Judah?
- What will their punishment entail?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What is the prophet’s reaction to the Lord’s message?
- What more do we know about the cities mentioned in verses 10-16?
- Identify some of the judgments against the cities in question.
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What were some of the offenses of the wealthy oppressors?
- Imagine that you are a member of the privileged class in Israel. What would be your reactions to the prophet’s sermons?
- Imagine that you are a member of the underclass in Israel. What would be your reactions to the prophet’s sermons?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What does this passage reveal about true and false prophets?
- Describe the ways God will show mercy to the people.
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What specific charges were brought against Israel’s leaders?
- What specific charges were brought against false prophets?
- How does Micah differ from the other prophets?
Micah Chapters 4-7 Questions
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What promises are made regarding the church?
- What can the people expect to occur during God’s future reign?
- What does this section reveal about God?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What do these verses reveal about God’s long-range plan for Jerusalem?
- Imagine that you are a member of the privileged class in Israel. What would be your reactions to the prophet’s pronouncements?
- Imagine that you are a member of the underclass in Israel. What would be your reactions to the prophet’s pronouncements?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- How will God use the Assyrians or Babylonians to punish Israel?
- What is the significance of mentioning Bethlehem?
- Identify references that point to a Messiah.
- Discuss the use of imagery about labor and birth in this passage.
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- Discuss the significance of the remnant in this passage.
- In what ways does the Lord intend to wipe out the enemies of Israel?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What are the Lord’s specific complaints against Israel?
- Discuss the significance of the reference to Egypt in this passage.
- In verse 5, what is the significance of “remembering”?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- In what ways have the Israelites attempted to honor God in the past?
- Why are their actions unacceptable to the Lord?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- Identify some of the practices God despises.
- How does the Lord intend to make an example of Israel?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- Name several sources of the prophet’s misery.
- For whom will the day of judgment be a time of confusion?
- What are your general reactions to these verses?
- What do these verses reveal about the prophet?
- What do these verses reveal about God?
- In what ways might these verses give hope to people who have suffered from oppression?
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